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Blue Eggs Versus White and Brown Eggs

Some grocery stores and farmers' markets sell eggs with blue shells. Do they taste different from regular white or brown eggs?

To see if blue-shelled eggs tasted different, we made three batches of scrambled eggs—one with only blue-shelled eggs, one with only brown-shelled eggs, and one with only white-shelled eggs—and tasted them side by side.

Overall, tasters didn't notice flavor differences among the scrambled egg samples. The only notable differences were visual: The blue-shelled eggs had yolks that were smaller and more orange, so they produced yellower scrambled eggs. The blue-shelled eggs we bought cost about three times as much as regular brown- or white-shelled eggs.

The Bottom Line: The color of an egg's shell is not indicative of the egg's flavor; the flavor of eggs is mostly dependent on freshness and the chicken's diet, while shell color is typically determined by the bird's breed.

Despite looking different, all of these eggs are the same.

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